5KV Insulation resistance Tester Bm5500 Price And Quantity
10 Piece
74920 INR/Piece
5KV Insulation resistance Tester Bm5500 Trade Information
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All India
CATIII 600 V safety rating
Product Description
Megger BM5500 tester is a Built-in battery and AC powered instrument only insulation tester. Theseinstruments have digital and analogue arc display, designed for highvoltage insulation resistance testing in the maintenance and servicingof cables, rotating plant machinery, transformers, switchgear andindustrial installations.DC insulation tests are performed at 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V,2500 V and 5000 V. Insulation resistance measuring range is 100 kï to1000 Gï. Automatic discharge for capacitive circuits under test isprovided and decaying voltage displayed.The guard terminal can be used to minimise the effects of surfaceleakage and hence erroneous measurements when carrying outinsulation resistance tests.Three insulation resistance (IR) test modes are provided, (InS, PI and t)and available in any IR test range. In IR mode (InS) tests are initiatedby pressing and holding down the TEST button for two seconds andterminated by a second press of the TEST button.A Polarisation Index (PI) mode performs a ratio metric test thatcalculates the ratio of insulation resistance at ten minutes to insulationresistance at one minute. The IR test timer (t) mode facilitates a singlefixed time test based on the set time interval t. Electrical insulating materials deteriorate with time leading tobreakdowns and costly repair bills. Insulation resistance testers applya regulated DC voltage across the insulation and measure currentflow through it applying Ohmïs law to calculate insulation resistance.The current flows because no insulation material is perfect.IR tester uses include:n Product test and qualificationn Installation of equipmentn Routine maintenancen Problem resolutionsInsulation testing with high voltage DC affects insulation polarisationsuch that consecutive testing without complete discharge of the unitunder test will yield different results.Care should be taken to always employ the same process andtechnique of connecting to and testing an insulator to be able totrend results. It is important to record temperature of the insulationas well as IR values.